Trying to pull in whether the patient is signed up for a portal or not on the patient banner. Our current banner always says "no" What are we missing?
Portal: {if (match(OBSANY("PATPORTALPIN"),"consent")>0 or match(OBSANY("PATPORTALPIN"),"I authorize")>0) then "Y" else "N" endif}
Our banner uses this code to place a happy face symbol in the Patient Banner if the patient has been issued a portal pin #.
{if OBSANY("PATPORTALPIN") <>null then "☺" else "" endif}
Mike McWilson
Regional Brain & Spine
I tried your code and changed the J to just say yes. This does work, the trouble I have as well is we have had users add values incorrectly into the PATPORTALPIN and this may pull in false portal sign ups. Not sure about your happy face :] thanks for your input!
We use the wingding font but same concept- I don't use the match on the statement
{if OBSANY("PATPORTALPIN")="Y" then ":" else if OBSANY("PATPORTALPIN") = "I" then "." else if OBSANY("PATPORTALPIN")="Declined" then "X:" else "*" endif endif endif}
Here is what we use. It shows if they are active or opted out
Portal Access : {if LASTOBSVALUE("CLINMSG PAT") = "1" then "Active" + OBSMODIFIERANY("PATPORTALPIN") else if LASTOBSVALUE("CLINMSG PAT") = "3" then "Active (Opt-Out)" + OBSMODIFIERANY("PATPORTALPIN") else if LASTOBSVALUE("CLINMSG PAT") = "2" then "INVITATION-DENIED" else if LASTOBSVALUE("CLINMSG PAT") = "Pending" then "Pending" else "Inactive" endif endif endif endif }
Thank you all for the feedback!