I have a provider who is unable to sign a Clinical Visit Summary that has ended up on his desktop. Specifically:
'Cannot perform the action: Sign Documents (Clinical Visit Summary). You do not have the required privilege. '
I have checked and this permission is not granted within the normal documents signing area as there is not clinical visit summary that I can grant permissions to sign. The document type is CVS.
GE informed me that I need to upgrade to 12.3 to fix this.
Has anyone else experienced this and is there a way to grant permissions to sign this document?
Thanks in advance!!!
We have had this happen a few times. We send in a support time and GE has to access the data base to sign the document.
We had this happen and what worked for us was that I went into the person's privileges and gave him access to sign all documents (even though there is no CVS like you said) and the person was able to sign after that. I then went back in and removed what they weren't suppose to have.
Give that a shot!
That document type was probably applied manually at the start of an update. It is exposed in the UI but isn't supposed to be (think there are at least 3 others). That's why it isn't in the list of documents to sign/half-sign. Been a bug for a while. And you can't change it in the document properties because you have to have rights to sign the document type you are changing from as well as the one you are changing to. You would need to update the DOCTYPE field in the DOCUMENT table for that document to a document type (listed in the DOCTYPES table) that the provider can sign.
Call with GE and they jump on the server to sign manually. There is a PROG Note-exp and one other that I know of with the same glitch.