We have a handful of physicians that didn't meet the eRX incentive for 2011 so they had to have the 10 eRX by June 30, 2012 and will have to have at least 25 by the end of the year. We will be attesting to meaningful use this year so we are trying to find out for those few physicians, if they meet meaningful use in 2012, will that prevent the payment reduction penalties for 2014. For 2011, we used MQIC to submit the eRX incentive, but it is our understanding, if we attest for MU, then we can't submit for the eRX but for these providers, it's not the incentive we would be looking for, just submitting proof that they met the eRX goals.
We haven't been able to find anything in writing that it does or doesn't so I thought I would ask.
You are correct that you cannot attest to MU and submit for eRX incentive in the same year. However, you will still need to report the eRX codes in order to avoid the penalties even if you are attesting to MU. MU and eRX are separate in terms of payment penalty. This information can be found on the CMS website.