I am trying to create a quick Triage form for providers to use on use on L&D. I am trying to structure it so that it could be submitted as an outpatient evaluation form but could also be converted to be used as an H&P if need be.
I am happy with my first few sections of Patient Demographics as well as the CC.
I was then going pull in data fields displaying PMH/PSH/PFH/Social histories. Ideally, the physician will be able to select if they want these fields displayed in the text translation by pushing an action button. Otherwise, I would like them suppressed from the translation.
Is there a simple way to do this other than using visibility regions?
Thanks for your help!
Sure. I would make the suggestion that you use a checkbox as opposed to a button since the provider will be able to see if the text will be included in the note easier in the example I'm about to give but you can modify this to fit your needs.
For each item where you want to control the text output add a checkbox. Then you can modify the translation section in each individual display item to either write to the note or not depending on the status of the checkbox. For example let's say you have setup document.fhcheckbox as the checkbox and your display shows: OBSNOW("PMH") You can change data display text translation to something like this:
if (document.fhcheckbox <> "") THEN
This is a very simple example, but hopefully it will get you started in the right direction.
This can be done relatively easily. There are a couple of options, but the one described below is probably the most stable. Instead of a pushbutton, consider using a checkbox. This will give you the ability to toggle the text translation on/off and provides visual feedback to the user that the text will be included in the note. Set up a document variable for each checkbox with a blank label. Have each checkbox value be something like "Display" or "Include in note". Instead of using a conditional format statement for each of your OBS terms (PMH/PSH/PFH/Social histories), you will need to use an If/then/else statement. If you want formatting, use the FMT statement. Below is an example of what might appear on the translation tab (chart note section) for one of your controls (PMH). This assumes the control is displaying the PAST MED HX OBS term. DOCUMENT.DISP_PMH is the variable name of the checkbox that's used to display/hide the past medical Hx.
{IF(OBSANY("PAST MED HX") <> "" AND DOCUMENT.DISP_PMH == "Display") then FMT("Past Medical Hx: ", "B") + OBSANY("PAST MED HX") else return "" endif
Things to remember:
- Make sure to clear the default translation on your toggle checkboxes or the value that you have used (e.g. "Display" or "Include in note") will appear in your text translation.
- Return a blank string in the conditional expression of each OBS term display field (see above) when the checkbox is unchecked, otherwise the word "FALSE" will appear in the text translation of the note
Suggest check box referenced by visibility section. Suppress translation if visibility off. This saves code in the text translation segment. It is just a question of style. I have done both approaches. My feeling is that it is more difficult to maintain code for individuals who follow you, if coding is present in the translation section.
Thanks for everyone's input! Hoping to get back to working on this shortly!