I am working on a CPOE form. Is it possible to use a button to add an order with selected Dx's attached? Currently the Dx are chosen in separate drop down fields (similar to the CPOE A&P-CCC form).
In relation...
I would also like this button to mark these diagnosis as the "supporting diagnoses" for Immunotherapy treatment and pull forward to another form I am working on for administration of allergy injections. This Allergy Injection would have a similar button to add orders with the "supporting diagnoses".
Right now I have the button set to add orders and push the "supporting diagnoses" to an OBS term that will populate in a data display for reference when adding orders. But it would be wonderful if it could just auto attach those diagnoses to the orders.
If you are adding the orders via mel code, you should be able to add the dx codes to the orders using the same code. here is the example from the Centricty help file
MEL_ADD_ORDER("S","Cardiology Fee Ticket","Dual Chamber Electronic Analysis with reprogramming","26","ICD10-R45.8|ICD-401.1","ACUTE MI|HYPERTENSION","Include interpretation","1","S","smitchell","08/22/2003")
Notice how fields 5 and 6 are the ICD10 codes, and the description of those codes. you can do a single item, or multiple diagnoses, separated by a bar '|'.
depending on how your code is set up, you could easily do something like this:
MEL_ADD_ORDER("S","Cardiology Fee Ticket","Dual Chamber Electronic Analysis with reprogramming","26","DOCUMENT.DX_NUM","DOCUMENT.DX_DESC","Include interpretation","1","S","smitchell","08/22/2003")
Let me know if you have any questions. I do this in several forms we have built. 🙂
Daniel C.
Thank you for your response and suggestions! I have used MEL_ADD_ORDER within buttons in cases where I know what the Dx will be. For this form I may be trying to work a little too much magic. Let me try to better explain what I am trying to achieve. Patient presents for Allergy Testing. Provider adds the following diagnoses: Allergy to Cats (ICD10-J30.81) Allergy to house dust mite (ICD10-J30.89) These diagnosis support Immunotherapy treatment and should be attached to any Service orders in this Office Visit as well as any future visits for Administration of Immunotherapy injections. Ideally the above diagnoses would somehow record in a manner in which I could use a button to add orders with those diagnoses attached. Currently the provider adds these diagnoses to the patients problem list and then selects them from individual dropdowns on a custom CPOE form. Each dropdown is set to a document variable. I currently have a button that the provider can click to record these document variables to a single OBS term which will populate a Data display. This Data display shows on the custom CPOE form as well as a custom Allergy Injection form. Nurses can use the Data Display on the Allergy Injection form as a reference to know what diagnoses they should attach to Immunotherapy service orders. It would be even better if I could somehow set a button to recognize that the above diagnoses are associated with Immunotherapy for the patient. Then also generate orders and attach the associated diagnoses.
You can certainly do this, but the MEL is a little trickier. You would need to
1. Determine the appropriate allergy diagnoses on the problem list by either:
A. Reading them from the observation term where you are storing them.
B. Searching the active problem list for diagnoses in the correct ICD-10 grouping.
2. Split up the codes and descriptions for the diagnoses. Most likely storing them in a local variable.
3. Call the MEL_ADD_ORDER() and insert the variables into the expression instead of using hardwired codes/descriptions.