Provider wants a "magic button" to prefill form elements from last visit. Easy enough, huh? They're simple ObsTerms. But no.... apparently CCC forms won't display the data a button pushes to an ObsTerm in realtime... hair gets a little shorter today.
Any Rogaine branded coding workarounds for these forms (HPI, ROS, PE) to see this data or push the data to whatever they're looking at in realtime?
Slightly Balder
Have to admit, your post made me laugh. I don't understand how it wouldn't pull real time, what is the time frame?
Just upgraded to cps 12.2 over the weekend, and my hair has gone gray.
I understand what you are saying about obs and the CCC forms.
I once tried to build a form that the user clicks a button and it pulls the obsprev in as obsnow for GENERALPE, NOSE, EYES, EARS...etc to quickly populate the HPI, PE, and ROS with 1 click.
Sounds cool huh?
The hope was that the CCC forms would then display the obsvalues I just brought into the current document with their obsnow values.
It didn't work.
It seems to me that someone the PE, ROS, ... form fields are not actually tied directly to the obsterms so the obsvalues won't display.
The other issue is the "Previous" button literally brings in the last value stored whether it had anything to do with the last visit or not.
For example, the last PE had only the General and Cardiovascular fields completed.
The PE before that had a full PE done a year ago. The previous button will pull in the General and Cardiovascular from the last visit and the rest from a year ago...
My providers want to see the very last PE exactly as it was entered.
Click the button, then go to the ROS or PE forms to only find white spaces or no indication of any action. Check the pending flowsheet updates and the data is there. Button is a simple OBSNOW("ROS", "Yadda yadda") type format.
Well... so much for making this provider's dreams come true. More and more, CCC is losing any value it once had.
Any chance that these forms put the items where they need to be but the CCC displays a different OBS? I don't use the CCC forms but I have run into the issue where a function controlled a button, so where you thought it would show it wouldn't but the information was entered. You just needed to reprogram the button to not just push to the obs but to also pull from it as the function behind the button wouldn't translate back to the button... if that makes sense. It does in my head... but we aren't all in my head.
I suspect they are using their own functions for displaying.
I can confirm that most of the GE-CCC forms are using Document Variables for the fields that you can type into, and that a function in the background is copying the data into an Obs Term. Most of the CCC forms won't load when exported into a Form Editor, but the ones that do have all followed this pattern.
I'll try importing the CCC forms into VFE & Clinical Forge and see if I get anywhere on that route.
All of the CCC forms copy the OBS values to local DOCUMENT.VARS when the form initially opens. For the life of the document, the DOCUMENT.VARS are updated, manipulated, etc. Only at the end of the document life either going into On Hold or being signed will these DOCUMENT.VARS update the OBS terms. The CCC forms has special functions and watchers that do this DOCUMENT.VAR to OBS update.
So, as you have discovered above, updating the OBS directly from your form will NOT automatically reflect these changes on the standard CCC forms.
I exported the ROS-CCC form as a clinical kit, then opened the .XLT file. I was then able to glean the document.temp references for most of the form to date, and this gives me hope of being able to do what the provider needs.
So... for future explorers who venture to this thread... export the form as a clinical kit then start digging. 🙂
what is the logic behind all the values uploading into the DOCUMENT.VAR instead of them going directly into the obs?
I've not cracked that. It is very complex and has many facets. Through a little trial and error I was able to correlate the DOCUMENT.TEMP items to areas of the form (in this example, the 'complains of' and 'denies' sections). It was helpful to import the exported clinical kit into Clinical Forge (or VFE) to get some visual clues, too.
Since CCC is licensed and you have to pay for it (at least what we use), I cannot release the coding on here or give very specific details.
This post made my day! We use the view previous/prior on the HPI, PE, CPOE. However, ROS is easy with a super button and truly should be accessed every visit.