We currently use the CPOE A&P-CCC form and for the specialties who use the form we have orders automatically inserting into the appropriate A&P field. See below:
fn ccc_Pulm_cust_orders_automatic_insertion() {"yes"}
Does anyone know of a way to only have Tests/Referrals go to this box and NOT "Services". Ideally we were hoping to suppress the "Services" that are ordered on our Superbill form from automatically inserting into the A&P (such as the E&M codes).
Dave Montgomery
Crozer-Keystone Health System
You can suppress by certain text. We do this for certain specialties. If you scroll to the entry 2nd from the bottom of the text file you'll see a global call. For example one we have in the adult file reads like this...._CCC_Adult_CPOE_Excl_ord_txt = "Ofc Vst~Consult~Preventive~SNOMED-CT"
It excludes from the note any orders that include that text. Hope it helps!
That is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks a lot!