We do not use CCC forms and are trying to figure out how to incorporate the Reconcilation html form. Does anyone have workflows that they would be willing to share? Can the Reconciliation be done outside of an Office Visit? Can a Medical Assistant do the reconciliation outside of an office visit (in a chart prep before the visit, for example), click the Mark Reviewed button and have it 'count' for the provider for the Medication Reconciliation measure? Can we safely assume that the problem and allergy reconciliation do not have to be done (these are not mentioned in the CMS documentation)? We have seen some odd things in the Imported Problems and Imported Medications section of the form (missing descriptions, missing ICD codes, med Instructions in the Description column). We've been told that vendors have their own formatting and we can expect to see difference. If we (MA or Provider) just click Mark Reviewed is that enough to meet the measure? Bottom line - if there is nothing that we want to add to our patient's medication list, do we have to do anything other that click the Mark Reviewed button to meet the measure? Who has to click it? I can see where the the form would be handy for new patients - it would help populate empty or nearly empty med and allergy lists. We are a specialty and view all patients as TOC patients and most will have clinical lists already.
Thanks for any insight.
The reconciliation has to be done inside the office visit and when you end or start the update you need to click encounter is a transition of care that gives you your denominator and when you click problems meds and allergies reviewed that gives your numerator. For the other reporting of Receiving a TOC document you must import a CCD from an outside facility into the EMR and mark reviewed during the office visit and that will mark problems meds and allergies reviewed. To access the reconciliation HTML form outside of a CCC document you can use the MEL statement below. Also any new patient appointment is automatically marked with encounter is a transition of care and will be in your denominator
Tip. To launch the form directly when reconciliation is the only purpose of your update, create a quick text shortcut using this MEL statement: {SHOW_HTML_FORM("//localserver/EncounterForms/reconciliation/index.html","Reconciliation")}. When the shortut is used in the note, the form will open automatically.