We use the CCC form for CPOE and we quite often have providers that do not click the "Commit Assessment" button before they leave the form. I was hoping to be able to customize a Close page handler that would check for the uncommitted assessments in that form but it does not look like there is one based on the mel trace I ran.
Any ideas on how I could accomplish this?
EDIT: I guess I am not the only one looking for this as a couple questions down the same thing was asked. https://centricityusers.com/forum/cpoe-ap-ccc-form-and-problemsorders/
The CCC forms are quite complex and interconnected via global code. As a result, many of the forms are not accompanied with the source code.
While VFE will allow recreating a form from an exported clinical kit, it is very limited in its ability to do so and requires considerable work to return the form to proper order, and rebuilding a CCC form will require extensive knowledge of ALL of the code (to include text files) associated with it.
The open via clinical kit functionality was intended for custom forms in the event that the source code was lost/corrupted. As noted on the warning when opening a form from a clinical kit - copyrighted content should not be edited with the editor - doing so may invalidate your license.
CCC content is copyrighted content.
That said, the only way to properly include a page close handler is to build a custom form.
We are members of CQIC (you can find information at http://www.clinicalcontent.com/). They have a close-page function that automatically commits and recommits when edits are made to the CPOE A&P CCC form. It's awesome. It's almost worth membership just for that, but they offer a lot more content than just that.