Does anyone of have tips on how to make columns line up in VFE translation? For instance:
Left Right
10 20
30 40
Any help would be appreciated. Right now I am having to do it line by line space by space.
Making columns line up can be tricky. The key is the \t string - which indicates a tab. Use them in a string, like "Left\t\t"+"Right" which would put two tabs between the words Left and Right.
You will just have to load your form and view it in an update to see the layout you create. One thing to remember – when you import a new clinical kit and go into an update and right-click the form to "Get latest form version", the tabs don't always translate correctly. You will need to put the update on hold and open it again to see what your note is really going to look like. And the columns change depending on how long your data is, so data that changes length by more than a few characters can mess up your spacing.