For our History and Physical encounters we would like the patients most current Med and Allergy list to populate in the Text of the Encounter. We originally had this set up using Text Components however we realized that the Text components we were using were not updating the Text if any changes were made to those lists during the visit. I would like to set a couple of Text components up to function the same way the Chart Maintenance Text component does. However if the patient does not have any current medications or allergies I need it to put in a statement that indicates that. Can someone help me figure out how to use this MEL but also get it to put in "No Known Medications" under the Header "Medications" if the patient is not currently on any meds?
{'{cfmt(MED_LIST_CHANGES(), "", "Medications:
", "B,1", "")}'}
I have tried to work in an if then else statement but I am not having any luck getting it to work. I gives me an error stating TOO MANY ARGUMENTS TO FUNCTION.
On our form we have a checkbox that the office will check if the patient isn't taking any meds. This is the MEL behind that checkbox.
{IF OBSNOW("NKMED") =="T" THEN CFMT("This patient takes no known medications (NKMED). ", "", "", "B", "
On our form we have a hidden data display that shows in the text translation.
{IF MEDS_ACTIVE()=="" then FMT("Medications
","B,2")+"No known medications. " ELSE FMT("Medications
I had a form set up to pull the lists in to the note but the providers want the lists in different areas of the dictation so I would have to build two separate forms just for that purpose. We don't use any other custom forms in our H&P encounters that I could add them too. I would prefer to use Text components to avoid having to build the forms. Also, because the forms will not have any other functionality, the providers will not appreciate having to navigate past those to the forms they do use.
Currently the providers are using quick text to pull in Text components that provide the most recent lists or a message that the patient has No known medications or No known allergies. These work great but are reliant on the provider remembering to go to the Text of the form to insert them before signing their dictation. We have providers who are forgetting to do that so it would be nice if we could have the Text components set up within the encounter type and also have the Text components update the Text translation of changes are made to the lists during that visit.
I was able to get it to work by combining two MEL statements.
{'{cfmt(ccc_add_num_with_carriage_ret(MEDS_AFTER()), "", "Current Medications:
", "B,2", "")}'}{'{if MEDS_AFTER() == "" then cfmt("Current Medications:
", "B,2", "") + "No known medications" else"" endif}'}