When you export a form from Centricity it exports into efe. I then open it in VFE and save it as a VFE form. This causes all the programming to be changed. Causing me to go back through the visual representation of my form and recreate the actual programming. Does anyone have some tips on how to make this process quicker?
When you export a form from Centricity it creates a clinical kit that can be loaded back into this instance of Centricity or another install. Visual Form Editor (VFE) can import a clinical kit but it was designed as the last resort method of editing a form. Ideally, you would have the .DLG file to edit the form in VFE. The file extensions for actual EFE files are .FD and .FS, which are not exported with a clinical kit. If you have searched your network and don't have a .DLG or the .FD/FS files, then opening the exported clinical kit in VFE is the only option to edit a form.
Here are the things to know when starting a VFE form from an exported clinical kit:
VFE can't put the note translation on the individual fields. When you first open the clinical kit, you have the option of having the entire form translation put in the first form item (usually a section), in the MEL function window, or in a separate text file. If you want the translation to be on each individual field, you will need to do that manually and delete the translation from the first item or the MEL window, if you chose those options.
The more complex the file, especially with visibility regions, there is a chance the VFE won't be able to recreate the form exactly as it is in Centricity. You may need to manually do some fixes there. You will need to test to make sure all the original functionality is in the re-created VFE form when you import it back into Centricity. For less complex forms, usually the translation is the only issue.