I would like to have a quick text load a function to add a service order. I am sure there is something out there, but I am not very familiar with writing MEL.
Can someone help me?
If you know how to create a quick text you can put something like this in the text area:
{MEL_ADD_ORDER("S", "E&M Services", "99201-Ofc Vst-New Level I", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")}
This order just includes the required elements. The additional "" are additional arguments that you can add. Also, this is specific to my system and the parameters that you want will be different for the category (E&M Services) and description (99201-Ofc Vst-New Level I). Hopefully this can get you started. The help file in centricity should be helpful too. Search for MEL_ADD_ORDER. It will list all of the arguments that you can send.
We use Multifactorial, a part of the CCC package, to do this.
Thank you bhoover!
If you do not subscribe to the CCC content, there is a scaled-down, lite version of the Multi-Factorial functions called SimpleChart. The installation for this tool is buried in your Staging Folder typically on your application server.
There is a simple editor to allow you to define a 'function' and then do multiple things like adding a problem, medications, prescriptions, orders, as well as, adding chart note text. The function is then invoked through the direct function call within your forms or can be added into a Quick Text that can be evoked at any time.