We need to run a report to show how many immunizatons were given from May 26, 2015 thru May 26, 2016. We need to pull this data from the HTML table. Does anyone know to do that?
FROM Immunization
WHERE WasGiven = 'Y' AND AdministeredDate BETWEEN '05/26/2015' AND '05/26/2016'
FROM Immunization
WHERE WasGiven = 'Y' AND AdministeredDate BETWEEN TO_DATE('05/26/2015','MM/DD/YYYY') AND TO_DATE('05/26/2016','MM/DD/YYYY')
Is that something that our IT team will need to run from the Sequal Server?
Can you elaborate a bit for a clinical person?...........I'm a nurse and need the dummy version 🙂
Yes, they will run that script on the Oracle or SQL server and provide you the numbers, or they can build custom reports using that script as a core to query the database.