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Is there a way to display all providers that a patient has seen, internally?
I've pulled a data display of previous visits before using the below function, but I would need just the provider's names, and I wouldn't want to code it per CPT code.
Data display: getOrder("G0438")+ "" + getOrder("G0439")
Function: ////*To get the Active Order list*/////
{fn getOrder(cptcode){
results = ""
orderArray = getfield(ORDERS_ALL("delimited"),"|","")
for c = 1, c 0 and durationdays(orderArray[c][4], str(._todaysdate)) < 731
then results = results + " " + orderArray[c][1] + ", " + orderArray[c][4] + ", " + orderArray[c][21] +HRET
endif endif
return results
Posted : January 24, 2019 7:37 am