Just looking if other are experiencing issues with the HTML medication administration form. Our lot numbers are no longer showing in the drop down's unless you update them. If no route, site, or unit of measure was specified for the medication (under admin), the drop down would show all selections possible. Now the drop down is blank and you can't free type. We have also discovered that standing medications like depo that were entered before the upgrade and given a stop date of anything after our upgrade date, it is requiring us to change the stop date and update it in order to successfully administer the medication.
We aren't using Med Admin yet but experiencing exact same thing with the new Immunization form and after days of trying to get in touch with support, we were told there is an SPR filed on it (known issue) - no ETA on a fix yet. We are EMR 9.8 SP10. We also put the HTML parts of CCC 1.2 in production to because of new history view and PCV but quickly had to revert to the 1.1 text translation of the form because it caused preload immunizations to stop showing in the note. When lot numbers weren't available, it caused incorrect orders to generate in some cases and combo vaccines only showed 1 of 3 given. We have found that if you do everything you need in the form the first time without closing it and going back in, drop downs are fine. Not sure if same thing with you but thought I'd mention in case it helps.
We are experiencing issues with the NDC's not showing up on the form but printing out. We also cannot document the manufacturer when administering Gardasil.
We are having a problem with med admin that text translation does not appear. We have been added to an SPR (apparently known issue), but I'd love any advice about a workaround to make sure it appears in note as if the medication was given. Thanks.
FYI - I realized that we had not put in an SPR about the text translation issue we have been having with the Medication Administration HTML form, but I put one in last week and just emailed the assigned GE rep to see if any updates - I'll post here if I get an answer. Is anyone else having that particular issue?
Also - I noted with the email about CCC V1.3 that there is a fix for Med Admin HTML form - when I went to the release notes it refers to the lot numbers not appearing on the dropdown. We have not uploaded that part of the release yet so I can't confirm the fix is working, but thought I'd let folks on this thread know.