Is there a way to add a button on a form that would bring the user to a specific letters folder, to then go on and print whichever letter they choose in that folder? I can't seem to find a way, only a way using printhandout to print a certain handout.
As far as I know you can only map a handout to be printed via an action button. I am in the process of converting a bunch of letters to handouts for this specific reason.
But if you use handouts, then you lose the ability to save the note to the chart so that information (say a work note) is a part of their chart and can be printed again. My biggest concern with handouts is that if I want it to save to chart, it just says the title of the handout printed and doesn't show the contents of what the patient specifically received. Is there a workaround to this so we could then convert our letters to handouts?
What I did was: in the encounter form (VFE entry screen) that I want to gather info and then make a printout for the patient, I duplicated the entire text of the letter (that is stored as a handout) into TEXT field on the VFE form. Nothing prints on the entry screen, but the 2nd TEXT tab, for CHart Note, I then pasted all the letter text here.
Thus, when the encounter is saved, there is a copy of the text of the letter saved also.
Not perfect, but we then know the address used, and any other fields that could change.
Do you have all of your notes listed in either the doctor's note or in a clinical list update? We would prefer that the work note/school note/gym note/etc be a separate line item in the chart so it doesn't print unnecessary information for the patient. Handouts allows us to print this information for the patient, but we can't get it to show the information in a separate line item, just the title of the handout. And if we want to do a letter, the only thing I can think of is to fill the information out in the form (where none of it writes to the note) and then open letters and save the letter to the chart so it becomes a separate item. We tried having everything live within the clinical update, but it just looks too messy when sending to Comp or to the patient.
Thank you all for your feedback, this was very helpful