If I want to write something and have it appear based on what ICD-10 code on the active problem list starts with, how would I write that in an If-Then-Else statement?
How do you write a containing statement?
{IF match(PROB_AFTER(),"ICD10-M54")>0 THEN
//Do stuff
//Do other stuff
match() is what you are looking, it returns the location of a substring (second argument) in a string ( first argument). If the second argument is not in the string it will return 0. So match("Hi there!","there") will return 4, and match("Hi there!","their") will return 0.
You could do a visibility based upon an ICD10 using something like this:
I am trying to write an if then else on if a problem starts with 724. Is there a contains statement?
Will your suggestions cover that?Work for what I am trying to do?