Does anyone know of a way to change the formatting of text to display in an edit field in regards to the text color?
I.E. If lab result is low or high, color the result value RED, but leave the rest of the text with the result black.
I've seen the commands CFMT and FMT, but there's no indication they can be used to change the color of a block of text.
I'll be interested to know if it is possible.
You could do this with visibility regions.
Visibility 1, LDL>=100
then have your CFMT statement, and set text to red
Visibility 2, LDL>0 and LDL < 100
then have your CFMT statement, and set text to green
What is the syntax to change the OBS to red with CFMT? Thanks!
In the VFE definition for the field, the Translation tab will show the CFMT command for your variable or OBS term. You can specify the "Text Color" for the "Field" here.
Again, you would have two (or more) overlapping visibility regions. In theory, they would be identical except for the rule determining which region to use and the "Text Color".
That only works for changing the color of the working UI where users enter the data. I'm looking for it to print (show up in the text and document view after signing) for it to highlight so when doctors review this the red 'yes' will pop all through the document.
Also changing the drop down to red doesn't tell me a syntax for CFMT for the print version, unless it's not possible?
We use the following in a text component for the red text
{'{cfmt(PROB_LIST_CHANGES(), "", "Problems:
", "B,1", "")}'}
{'{cfmt(MED_LIST_CHANGES(), "", "Medications:
", "B,1", "")}'}
{'{cfmt(ORDER_LIST_CHANGES(), "", "Orders:
", "B,1", "")}'}
{'{cfmt(ALL_LIST_CHANGES(), "", "Allergies:
", "B,1", "")}'}
{'{cfmt(DCT_LIST_CHANGES(), "", "Directives:
", "B,1", "")}'}
{'{cfmt(OBS_LIST_CHANGES(), "", "Observations:
", "B,1", "")}'}
Hope this helps. It must be a centricity thing, as you can see there is nothing special there to change the text color.
Hi Adaniel,
I have this right now:
{CFMT(OBSNOW("CSSRSFS1"), "", "The staff member asks: 'Since you were last asked, have you actually had any thoughts of killing yourself?' (Past Month) ", "B,1", "")}
It's printing my label with the obsnow, but no change in color still 🙁 Is the 1 the color as I believe that's the only thing added to mine that looks like what you posted. Is there a setting or something in VFE to make sure it builds with the color?
Hmmmm, so close as I see it works for you, but can't figure out why mine does not work. Hoping you can help!
O I see, my image is of the chart document and that is the only place it is red. Sorry for the confusion.