Our providers would like a custom handout that lists the medications that they came in to the office on and what has changed - either revisions or discontinuation. since the CVS does not contain all this information, they want to give the patient something that is easy for them to read and comprehend. Basically a Med Reconciliation form to know what they need to take once they go home.
Does anyone have a handout that does this or knows the MEL coding for us to create something? Thanks Peg
Without a parameter it should output a list of medications removed or added during the visit.
Your current medications include:
{if MEDS_AFTER('list') <> "" then ccc_add_num_with_carriage_ret(MEDS_AFTER('list')) else if LASTOBSVALUE('NKMED')="T" then "No known medications" else "<None recorded>" endif endif}
Medication changes include:
{if MED_LIST_CHANGES() <> "" then ccc_add_num_with_carriage_ret(MED_LIST_CHANGES()) else "<None>" endif}
This is what is used in our patient instruction handout.