If I have an obs term for patients that are part of a particular belief; is there a way to put it in the patient banner with an MEL function to have it return the value in the obsterm?
Yes, you should be able to use {OBSPREV("OBS TERM NAME HERE")} to pull that information into the banner.
Let me know if that does not work for you.
Terrence Goggans
I have used the following to display OBS terms in the banner. Checks to see if not blank and not "None" and will print an associated person, otherwise prints "None".
Care Mgr: {if (obsany("CARECOORD")<>"" AND obsany("CARECOORD")<>"None") THEN obsany("CARECOORD") ELSE "None" ENDIF}
Thank you both! I am going to try this out today. I will let you know if I can get it to work! this will help staff!