I've been working with VFE for several years now. I've been tasked to develop a MU Stage 3 Checklist form. I have a request to make an action button disappear after it is clicked and prints the handout.
The button has the following functions:
{PRINTHANDOUT("Handouts\Company\Client Specific\Client\Patient Portal Instructions")}
{OBSNOW("PATPORTALPIN","Portal Access Instructions Given")}
After the button is clicked and the handout is printed, I'm trying to accomplish the following task:
"use a visibility region so that after the button is clicked, and the handout prints the button will disappear and text will show that says "Portal access instructions were given."
I've been Chugging along for the past 1.5 hrs trying to find a solution.
Please advise. Thank you!
This is what I would do, based on what your button is doing.
1: OBSNOW(“PATPORTALPIN) == "Portal Access Instructions Given" ---This one would hide your button.
2: OBSNOW(“PATPORTALPIN) =="" ---This will show your button
Hope this helps,
I have a button that does this exactly. In the button it has these functions:
PRINTHANDOUT("Handouts\Enterprise\Aim for a Healthy Weight")
MEL_ADD_ORDER("S", "SNOMED Codes", "Lifestyle Education Regarding Diet", "", "ICD10-E66.3", "Overweight", "", "", "", "", "")
Add_MUActivity_Log(12,"","Handouts\Enterprise\Aim for a Healthy Weight")
In the visibility region it has this: match(ORDERS_NEW(), "SCT-443288003")<>0
(the SCT code is used in place of a CPT code). I only used this so the data would go to our reporting system.
But the previous suggestion would work just as well.