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I am looking for suggestions to modify GE crystal report - Super bill file.
Modified Crystal reports works but when its updated on CPS 12.2, I see a dispatch error. Anyone familiar with modifying super bill and Patient profile crystal reports from GE. I am trying to add specific fields like " patient Language" using obs terms which is not available from the GE report.
Posted : November 22, 2017 5:02 am
Add in the PatientProfile table and link it to the DOCUMENT table using the PID. Then add in the LANGUAGE table. Link it to the PatientProfile table using the LanguageId in both tables.
That will give you the ability to pull in additional patient demographics and the columns from the Language table.
I'm not on CPS 12.2 so I don't have a way of testing this.
Posted : November 28, 2017 9:22 am