Afternoon - SQL question, There are several new tables in the system and would like to use them but don't know what they mean for reporting. For example there is a column in PRESCRIB called ERXRENEWAL STATUSES with options including: A, AC, AP, C,CT, D,DN, & DR
Anyone know what they mean? I think they just showed up after 12.3 ?
According to the data dictionary, this is the description of the field -
'Code denoting the status of an electronic prescription. Denied New to Follow, Denied, Approved, Approved with Changes'
We only have 'C' in our environment but we do not accept refill requests from the pharmacy. I would guess it goes something like AC - Approved with Changes, A - Approved, AP - Approval Pending, etc. but I would find some patient data to verify each one. I believe 'C' is for Cancelled. I believe the ones we write new in the application are set to NULL.
Thank you! I think I must have a really old data dictionary- appreciate the help!
Can anyone confirm that "C" means Cancelled?