Hello All,
I am wondering if others have run into this issue. I have a form that has a bunch of listboxes. All of the list boxes are tied to document variables. When the user clicks items in the list quickly there will be a bit of a pause as the user is going faster than the clicks can register. These items aren't tied to obs, so it doesn't seem like the obs terms on the page are refreshing. Also the more items that are checked the more noticeable the pause is. I have gone through the form looking for efficiencies and have seen marginal progress, so I am wondering if it is something in the Centricity client. Has anyone else run into this?
Hi Brad,
When you say 'a bunch', roughly how many? How long are the pick lists for each box? What else is on the form? Is MEL code associated with the document variables used for the list boxes? How complex is the chart note translation code for the boxes? How large are the EFM, XLT, and XLW files? Does a MEL trace reveal any errors in the form?
There are numerous conditions that could contribute to the behavior you describe, but the most common I have seen in my experience are coding errors, MEL code execution and Chart Note related.
You may want to MEL trace with the form in an update by itself, starting with a blank update, start the trace, add the form, create the condition, end the trace and search for 'ERROR: '. If no results are found, then review the executions in the trace and try to determine what is firing unnecessarily and devise a method to limit/control it.
Without the form to review, it is the best advice I can offer.