Can someone tell me how to open a prompt box automatically when a user selects "yes" on a radio button?
I've started with this:
{if (document.QUESTIONS_1 ="yes") then
userok("Weight Gain: 25-35 pounds (if normal weight before pregnancy), 28-40 pou.....
But it's not working yet. If I use a button, it works but I'm wanting to make it one less click.
Thank you,
Logical test needs to be "==" not "=" which is assignment.
I've tried == also but it won't pop up the box with the text in it.
Here's exactly what I have:
{if (document.QUESTIONS_1 ="yes") then
userok("Weight Gain: 25-35 pounds (if normal weight before pregnancy), 28-40 pounds (if underweight before pregnancy, 15-25 pounds (if overweight before pregnancy). Much of the weight gained is shed with delivery.
Breasts: may notice larger, firmer and more tender breasts. Areola may become darker and larger. The veins in the breasts may be more noticeable. May notice small amounts of colostrum secretion.
Urination: may need to urinate very frequently due to the pressure put on the bladder by the growing uterus. Do not limit fluids.
Heartburn: just common indigestion. Ok to take an antacid, but do not use baking soda or sodium bicarb preparations. Elevate the head of bed or remain upright after eating.
Constipation: Drink lots of fluids, exercise, increase fiber in diet (fruits, veggies, bran). If natural remedies do not work, talk to your provider about laxatives or stool softeners.
Shortness of Breath: Occurs when baby grows larger and interferes with breathing muscles. Prop yourself up when lying down, change positions slowly, and practice deep breaths.
Backache: during pregnancy, joints relax causing back and joint pain. Wear comfy shoes, maintain good posture and exercise (pelvic tilts).
Round Ligament Pain: sharp pain in one or both groin regions from stretching and spasms of the round ligament. Avoid sudden movements, rest and heating pad can help.
Abdominal Pain: may be caused by stretching or constipation. May use heating pad and maternity support girdle. Notify provider if severe and continues.
Braxton Hicks Contractions: irregular and painless contractions. Notify provider if they become progressively closer together, last longer and become more painful. Normal to have up to five an hour
Insomnia: many times caused by finding a comfortable position to sleep. Exercise a few hours before bed or take a warm bath. Avoid sleeping pills and drinking caffeine late in the day.
Varicose Veins: can occur in the legs or vulva. Pregnancy can aggravate varicosities due to the enlarged uterus limiting circulation from the legs. Exercise, avoid standing in one place for long periods, prop legs up when sitting, wear support hose, avoid tight clothing like knee highs or thick high stockings, and sit on a pillow to help.
Skin Changes: hormones may cause skin color changes (which go away or fade after delivery). May look flushed, have brownish marks, or have linea nigra (dark line down middle of abdomen. Acne may get worse or better.
Stretch Marks: basically nothing that can be done to avoid them because they are caused by a breakdown of the elastic tissue right below the skin?s surface. Excessive weight gain may increase their appearance. May show up on breasts, butt, or abdomen. Usually fade after pregnancy.
Hemorrhoids: enlarged veins at the rectal opening caused by the pressure of baby?s head on the rectum or straining due to constipation. Soak in a warm tub, lie on your side with hips elevated with pillow, avoid constipation. Contact your provider if ointments are needed or bleeding from hemorrhoids occurs.
Vaginal Discharge: may notice increase in vag discharge due to hormones. Notify provider if discharge is accompanied by an itch or foul odor. Yeast and other vag infections are common in pregnancy.
Swelling: caused by pressure from the growing uterus and hormones. Support hose, resting with legs elevated and avoiding excessive sodium intake may help.
Dizzy Spells: usually caused by the changes in circulation accompanied with early stages of pregnancy. Avoid lying flat on your back and changing positions quickly.
Nose Bleeds: caused by increased blood supply in nasal lining during pregnancy. Use firm finger pressure on side of nose that is bleeding. Call provider if bleeding is heavy and/or you are unable to stop it with pressure. Avoid nose drops for nasal congestion unless directed by provider.
Headaches: common in early pregnancy due to blood circulation changes. Notify provider if headaches are associated with sensitivity to light, excessive nausea/vomiting, fever or other neuro sxs.
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders: normal to feel more tired, irritable, worried and have mood swings. If sxs persist or interfere with daily activities, notify provider.
Depression: feeling sad, depressed or crying a lot, diminished interest in wanting to be a mother, feeling worthless or guilty, thoughts of self harm, having low or no energy, sleeping too much or not enough, increase or decrease in appetite or weight, trouble focusing, remembering or making decisions, feeling restless or irritable, having headaches, chest pains, heart palpitations, numbness or hyperventilation, strong anxiety, tension and/or fear about the baby or that you will not be a good mother.
Sexual Changes: desire may significantly rise or fal
Excessive Salivation: usually decreases later in pregnancy. Mints, gum, frequent small meals, crackers can help.
Nausea: ?Morning Sickness? not always limited to morning. Usually resolves by 4th month. May require medication if severe or persists. Try eating several small meals of simple foods, lying down after eating, eating dry saltines before getting out of bed, changing position slowly, eat yogurt, milk or juice before bed, avoid greasy, fried or spicy foods and sip water or take deep breaths of fresh air if get nauseated.
Pica: unusual cravings for strange food. Try to remember to keep a balanced diet. If cravings are for ice or strange items like dirt, clay or starch, talk to your provider- could be a nutritional deficiency.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: nerve in wrist becomes entrapped in a tunnel of tissue in the hand due to swelling. May cause numbness, more frequently at night. Bed rest, sodium restriction, and wearing a wrist splint may help."))
I would think your going to need a watcher for the radio button. If it updates then run you process and test for "Yes".
document.test = fnPromptBox(document.radiotest)
{!fn fnPromptBox() {
if (document.radiotest = "Yes") then
userok ("Test this pop up")
Just a few minor errors with the syntax. This goes in watcher pane. Make sure to change "yes" to "Yes" if need be as it takes caps into count. Also your statement included else but did not set else to anything thus take note of the "" added below else which tells it to do nothing. See changes below:
{if document.QUESTIONS_1 == "yes" then
userok("Weight Gain: 25-35 pounds (if normal weight before pregnancy), 28-40 pounds (if underweight before pregnancy, 15-25 pounds (if overweight before pregnancy). Much of the weight gained is shed with delivery.
Breasts: may notice larger, firmer and more tender breasts. Areola may become darker and larger. The veins in the breasts may be more noticeable. May notice small amounts of colostrum secretion.
Urination: may need to urinate very frequently due to the pressure put on the bladder by the growing uterus. Do not limit fluids.
Heartburn: just common indigestion. Ok to take an antacid, but do not use baking soda or sodium bicarb preparations. Elevate the head of bed or remain upright after eating.
Constipation: Drink lots of fluids, exercise, increase fiber in diet (fruits, veggies, bran). If natural remedies do not work, talk to your provider about laxatives or stool softeners.
Shortness of Breath: Occurs when baby grows larger and interferes with breathing muscles. Prop yourself up when lying down, change positions slowly, and practice deep breaths.
Backache: during pregnancy, joints relax causing back and joint pain. Wear comfy shoes, maintain good posture and exercise (pelvic tilts).
Round Ligament Pain: sharp pain in one or both groin regions from stretching and spasms of the round ligament. Avoid sudden movements, rest and heating pad can help.
Abdominal Pain: may be caused by stretching or constipation. May use heating pad and maternity support girdle. Notify provider if severe and continues.
Braxton Hicks Contractions: irregular and painless contractions. Notify provider if they become progressively closer together, last longer and become more painful. Normal to have up to five an hour
Insomnia: many times caused by finding a comfortable position to sleep. Exercise a few hours before bed or take a warm bath. Avoid sleeping pills and drinking caffeine late in the day.
Varicose Veins: can occur in the legs or vulva. Pregnancy can aggravate varicosities due to the enlarged uterus limiting circulation from the legs. Exercise, avoid standing in one place for long periods, prop legs up when sitting, wear support hose, avoid tight clothing like knee highs or thick high stockings, and sit on a pillow to help.
Skin Changes: hormones may cause skin color changes (which go away or fade after delivery). May look flushed, have brownish marks, or have linea nigra (dark line down middle of abdomen. Acne may get worse or better.
Stretch Marks: basically nothing that can be done to avoid them because they are caused by a breakdown of the elastic tissue right below the skin?s surface. Excessive weight gain may increase their appearance. May show up on breasts, butt, or abdomen. Usually fade after pregnancy.
Hemorrhoids: enlarged veins at the rectal opening caused by the pressure of baby?s head on the rectum or straining due to constipation. Soak in a warm tub, lie on your side with hips elevated with pillow, avoid constipation. Contact your provider if ointments are needed or bleeding from hemorrhoids occurs.
Vaginal Discharge: may notice increase in vag discharge due to hormones. Notify provider if discharge is accompanied by an itch or foul odor. Yeast and other vag infections are common in pregnancy.
Swelling: caused by pressure from the growing uterus and hormones. Support hose, resting with legs elevated and avoiding excessive sodium intake may help.
Dizzy Spells: usually caused by the changes in circulation accompanied with early stages of pregnancy. Avoid lying flat on your back and changing positions quickly.
Nose Bleeds: caused by increased blood supply in nasal lining during pregnancy. Use firm finger pressure on side of nose that is bleeding. Call provider if bleeding is heavy and/or you are unable to stop it with pressure. Avoid nose drops for nasal congestion unless directed by provider.
Headaches: common in early pregnancy due to blood circulation changes. Notify provider if headaches are associated with sensitivity to light, excessive nausea/vomiting, fever or other neuro sxs.
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders: normal to feel more tired, irritable, worried and have mood swings. If sxs persist or interfere with daily activities, notify provider.
Depression: feeling sad, depressed or crying a lot, diminished interest in wanting to be a mother, feeling worthless or guilty, thoughts of self harm, having low or no energy, sleeping too much or not enough, increase or decrease in appetite or weight, trouble focusing, remembering or making decisions, feeling restless or irritable, having headaches, chest pains, heart palpitations, numbness or hyperventilation, strong anxiety, tension and/or fear about the baby or that you will not be a good mother.
Sexual Changes: desire may significantly rise or fal
Excessive Salivation: usually decreases later in pregnancy. Mints, gum, frequent small meals, crackers can help.
Nausea: ?Morning Sickness? not always limited to morning. Usually resolves by 4th month. May require medication if severe or persists. Try eating several small meals of simple foods, lying down after eating, eating dry saltines before getting out of bed, changing position slowly, eat yogurt, milk or juice before bed, avoid greasy, fried or spicy foods and sip water or take deep breaths of fresh air if get nauseated.
Pica: unusual cravings for strange food. Try to remember to keep a balanced diet. If cravings are for ice or strange items like dirt, clay or starch, talk to your provider- could be a nutritional deficiency.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: nerve in wrist becomes entrapped in a tunnel of tissue in the hand due to swelling. May cause numbness, more frequently at night. Bed rest, sodium restriction, and wearing a wrist splint may help.")
Thank you all. That worked perfect!
Just curious, is that userok popup allowing all of that text to display ? - Beverly
Yes it is. I was surprised to be honest.