I'm working on a note and I can't remove a component that's not visible in the inserted form. I highlight the text and get "This selection contains protected text - Text Protection Error"
I feel like this would be an easy fix. Please help!!
I don't think there is a way to remove a text component. Will be curious to see if anyone has an answer.
If this erroneous text is connected to a text component, it should be able to be deleted/modified at any time - unless it is corrupted/merged into a form component, of course. Due to your description, I suspect it is 'connected' to a form component, which would in turn, result in the protected text message.
If the latter is the case, are the text 'segments' in two different colors or the same color?
If the same, then it may be a simple as double clicking the text to see which form opens and removing it. You can then try to reinsert it to see if the form corrects itself.
If different, and no visible link in the form list exists, then the template is corrupted and as a result, the chart note (note: this can happen to encounter forms too). The best you can do is print off the note, sign and file in error, then recreate the note using the same date and information. Be certain to annotate that the note is a recreation due to a glitch in the original note to prevent the appearance of nefarious intent should the note be audited down the line.
Important Note:
Sometimes these corruptions in templates are the result of the extraneous closing brace ']' that randomly appears in chart note templates within athena. It has been an issue since the sql based CPS 2006 was introduced in the code stream and now is an problem for both the oracle and sql products.
As a preventative measure, I would recommend a bi-monthly audit of ALL document templates to remove the extra brace whenever/where ever it is discovered, especially if new content is imported often. Being random, it is difficult to determine an ideal timing for each database, but this action would reduce the likelihood of it causing issues downstream. Template corruption is not the only issue this 'gift' generates, as it can and does corrupt MEL coding and form functionality/rendering as well. Your EMR experience will be much healthier if this preventive action is taken routinely.
Hope this helps.
This query will find document templates with the ]] in them:
select * from doctemplate where text like '%]]%'