Here's my path below and other tries of the path but same results. I'm stumped as to what I don't have correct but I get a script error and then once I ok it the error the shell of the form pulls up so it know I got the right spot just isn't acting right.
{SHOW_HTML_FORM("//peemr9jba/c$/Program Files/Centricity Practice Solution/jboss/standalone/deployments/physeast-ml.ear/CentricityPracticeWS.war/EncounterForms/reconciliation/index.html","Reconciliation")}
{SHOW_HTML_FORM("//peemr9jba/Program Files/Centricity Practice Solution/jboss/standalone/deployments/physeast-ml.ear/CentricityPracticeWS.war/EncounterForms/reconciliation/index.html","Reconciliation")}
{SHOW_HTML_FORM("//peemr9jba/Program Files/Centricity Practice Solution/jboss/standalone/deployments/physeast-ml/CentricityPracticeWS/EncounterForms/reconciliation/index.html","Reconciliation")}
EDIT: I guess I just needed to revisit the good ol help. It was as simple as using what it has in there;