Hi all!
We are still using 12.0.3 CPS for billing currently and we need a report to show the top 25 dx billed and top 25 procedures in a given time frame for one location. Any help with a SQL script on this would be appreciated. Thanks!
From Chart or Billing module?
Here's some code to get you started on problems. Just replace the homelocation id and add in some start date delimiters:
select count(ICD10MasterDiagnosisId), ICD10MasterDiagnosisId, DESCRIPTION
from problem where pid in (select pid from person where homelocation = 1225648184001060 and ispatient = 'Y' and pstatus = 'A')
and (stopdate > getdate() or stopdate is null) and xid = 1000000000000000000
and upper(qualifier)= 'DX OF' group by ICD10MasterDiagnosisId, DESCRIPTION order by count(ICD10MasterDiagnosisId) desc
From the PM side...
top 25 cpt codes billed during a specified time range and specified location:
SELECT top 25 count(pvp.code) as Total,
pvp.Code, pvp.CPTCode, pvp.Description
FROM PatientVisitProcs pvp
JOIN PatientVisit pv ON pv.PatientVisitID=pvp.PatientVisitID
left join DoctorFacility as df on pv.FacilityId = df.DoctorFacilityId
left join Procedures as p on pvp.Code = p.Code
LEFT JOIN medlists as m on p.DepartmentMId = m.MedListsId and m.TableName = 'department'
WHERE Voided IS NULL AND ((pvp.CPTCode < '99000' OR pvp.CPTCode > '99999')
--date of service range
AND dateofservicefrom >= ISNULL('xx/xx/xxxx','1/1/1900') AND dateofservicefrom < dateadd(day,1,ISNULL('xx/xx/xxxx','1/1/3000')))
--to exclude code departments if applicable to your cptcode setup
and m.Description not in ('xxxxxxxx')
-- Specific Location
and df.ListName = 'xxxx'
group by pvp.code, pvp.cptcode, pvp.Description
order by Total desc
top 25 dx:
SELECT top 25 count(PatientVisitDiags.Code) as Total, PatientVisitDiags.Code AS [DX Code], PatientVisitDiags.Description AS Diagnosis
FROM PatientProfile
INNER JOIN PatientVisit ON PatientProfile.PatientProfileId = dbo.PatientVisit.PatientProfileId
INNER JOIN PatientVisitDiags ON PatientVisit.PatientVisitId = dbo.PatientVisitDiags.PatientVisitId
LEFT JOIN DoctorFacility dff ON PatientVisit.FacilityId = dff.DoctorFacilityId
LEFT JOIN Diagnosis ON PatientVisitDiags.DiagnosisId = Diagnosis.DiagnosisId
--filter on location
(NULL IS NOT NULL AND PatientVisit.FacilityId IN (NULL)) OR
--filter on date range
(PatientVisit.Visit >= ISNULL('01/01/2019','1/1/1900') AND PatientVisit.Visit < DATEADD(d, 1, ISNULL('12/31/2019','1/1/3000')))
GROUP BY dbo.PatientVisitDiags.Description, dbo.PatientVisitDiags.Code
Order by Total desc