Hi!, thank you for reading, I hope you are having a nice day :).
I would like to show previous values when the user opens the form, and I would like to save all the obs terms when the user signs the visit.
If I use New Observation (default previous values) on the edit fields, the form will only save the values that just changed, instead of saving everything, the changed and unchanged values. What I did is to set all the edit fields as New Observation, add a button called "Insert Prior", with a "Set value" connection type, and when the user push it, I can have all the previous values and also these are going to be saved when the user signs. Is there another way to do it without user intervention?
Thank you!
Use the following on initialization of the form:
Obsnow("OBS TERM",obsprev("OBS TERM"))
Do I have to do it as a watcher expression? so do I need to add Obsnow("OBS TERM") == "" then Obsnow("OBS TERM", Obsprev("OBS TERM")) to not overwrite any change made by the user?
Use the following:
{ !
(code as above)
Please note, the method of assigning a value to an obs term is as follows:
Obsnow("OBS TERM", new value)
Refer to the Help file as this is a fundamental issue. Contact me directly if you have further questions, delighted to discuss in more detail.
Thank you ! I will change the form to this way.