We are looking for a script or some help to transition to Med Management. Here is what we would like to do. For our test system, we have a restored copy of the database from a month ago. We are using that for training and will be activating Med Management on that environment for further training. One of the requirements for this is for our users (employees) to have valid email addresses populated in their user accounts. I am wondering if someone could help with a script so that if we populate the addresses in the test database could we migrate the email addresses to our production database? I just thought I would ask. I suppose one way we could avoid the double work would be to populate the email addresses in production then upgrade to V20 in test again but if someone would offer up an easy script I would be thankful.
I am barely a novice SQL scripter so this is beyond my capabilities for now 🙂
Mike Zavolas
Tallahassee Neurological Clinic
I am following this just to see if it is an option. We are only going to do a few users in our test database and are focusing on the email addresses in our production. We know this means not everyone can "play" in the test environment but we typically don't allow end users in test anyway and use it more for demo-ing, presentations and testing. Will be interested if you get this figured out though!
I think we are just going to populate the addresses manually in both systems at this point.
I'm guessing the email will be stored in the USR table..
USE DataBasename --(AthenaPractice live database here)
INSERT INTO dbo.USR(Office365Email) --(User email field in live DB here)
SELECT USR.Office365Email --(user email field in test DB)
FROM TESTDBNAME.dbo.usr --(test DB here)
WHERE (your condition here)