I am interested in finding out what tools you like to use for doing database queries. It is important to test queries before building Crystal Reports, and handy to have a database tool to do that with.
I am currently on Centricity 9.5 and CPS 10 ( ORACLE ) but will be migrating soon to CPS 12 (SQL Server). So I want to hear from you on both databases.
I have used TOAD for Oracle in the past, and liked it very much - but it's pricey.
Please post here - database gurus 🙂 and anyone else - what database tools you like using.
Thank you !
Beverly Blackman
Been using SQL Developer for Oracle, not much to it. Just gives you what you need to test your queries. Also use SQL Server Management Studio for MS SQL.
For MSSQL we use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. It has Intellisense (auto complete) built in, which makes creating your queries really simple.
I am not a database guru or even a programmer. I use Microsoft Access and have for a lot of years. I am on the Oracle product
Thumbs up for Oracle SQL Developer -- easy enough to use and cannot beat the price!
James, I downloaded and installed Oracle SQL Developer. Now trying to make a connection string to my EMR 9.5 database. There is no connection type for ODBC in Oracle SQL Developer. What can I use as a connection string ? Can you give me an example ?
- Beverly
Use Connection Type Basic, Role is default unless you want to connect as SYS. Put your database server name in Hostname, Port should be 1521 and the SID should be the same as the XXXX value in your TNSNAMES.ORA file on this line:
SERVICE_NAME could also be SID....
Personally, I like devart Oracle driver. It's much simpler to use and can connect to Oracle directly (without ORA-files) See: devart.com
I like to use navicat, it allows for multiple different SQL languages and systematic way to store queries.
There is also a free version of toad that is for MSSQL.