I'm making a custom physical exam form for a multi-specialty organization, and I want to implement different default normal physical exams based on specialty. I know how to make a drop down with my own variable for specialty that I can link all the normal buttons to, but I'd like to integrate my specialty functionality with the dropdown in HPI and other CCC forms.
Is there an obsterm for specialty to use this way or does it remember based on some provider attribute?
Using a document variable, the provider has to pick from that drop list every time he encounters the form. I'd like the dropdown to know what specialty the provider is or at least what they chose during previous encounters.
Thanks for the help!
Chris McCracken, MD
UPDATE: I found a function called GET_USER_SPECIALTY(userid). Can I use this to define the default document variable in my dropdown?
Yes, you should be able to use GET_USER_SPECIALTY(USER.LOGINNAME).