Anyone ever have an issue where a button stops setting values halfway through? I thought there might be a bug in one of my functions so I stripped out basically everything and it's still failing!! It stops after setting values on 3 items - nothing special about the 4th one so I don't know why it picks that spot to stop. If you hit the button again it finishes filling in the other items on that tab, then if you hit it again it will finish completing the 3rd tab. So strange.
It's just filling in some fields not even doing anything fancy. I'm completely at a loss. Here is the .dlg file if anyone can help!
You could try declaring the document fields at form initiation, especially if there are fields across tabs. The fields are not in scope until you visit the tab, but you can declare them as the form loads.
Over in the MEL scripting area, put:
Wow that's just annoying but hey it worked so I'll take it! Thanks!