I have a display field with mel coded that calculates a score based on 3 document variable values and saves the result to an obs term as follows:
{!if document.auditcQ1<>"" and document.auditcQ2<>""
and document.AUDITCQ3<>"" then
I display the obsnow("AUDITSCORE") in a display field and it correctly has the numeric score, such as 7 or 5. But in the flowsheet the value is saved as "7 none" or "5 none". Any idea where this "none" is comiong from? I have identical logic for calcuklating the score of all 10 AUDIT-C questions and it does not append "none". I can't even find a "none" in the code anywhere. Any ideas?
I had wondered the same thing when working on some AUDIT-C functionality - "none" is the units associated with the "AUDITSCORE" obs term. Not sure why the units field for this obs term wasn't left blank instead.
thank you so much! The obs term actually does not have none in it, it's just displaying the units. I guess I should have looked in the db to see what was atually getting stored.