I would like to create a custom popup that appears when the user makes a selects on a listbox on a VFE form. There would only be two items on the pop up and they would be hardcoded (not dynamic) . What would be the simplest way for this to happen for me? I've been reading about a c++ custom popup but if there is another way, any replies would be appreciated thanks!
In MEL you can use a {useryesno()} popup, it will give the message passed as an argument and show two options, yes and no and return the string value 'Yes' or 'No'. If you can format a question so those two answers make sense I would go with that.
You could write a custom exe to do this I would think but it sounds like a ton of work. The other option is to create an HTML based form and then you can create whatever kind of popup you want with HTML and javascript.
Agree with Mike's response. This is relatively easy to do in HTML, but if this must be done in VFE, your options are limited. If you can describe the specific workflow scenario you are trying to achieve, you might be able to get some more creative options. For example, if a simple yes/no won't accommodate, then you might be able to create a list of checkboxes that is hidden (by visibility region) that only appears when certain conditions are met, and then gets hidden when a choice is made.
first thanks for the replies. i am an extreme newbie with html. would like to try it though.
the useryesno does work but, i'm afraid the users will get confused and they are so rushed.
1. on a vfe form a user checks one or more on a listbox of 5 items.
2. a popup of two different choices would appear and the users would choose one of the two.
billing for 1 to 4 patients, cpt-98765
billing for 5 to 8 patients, cpt-12345
3. from the user's choice i would add a service order (already know the diagnosis) via a mel_add_order function. so the popup would need to go away somehow after the user chooses .
4. on the original vfe form a message would show that the service was added..
i've tried visibility fields and that works too... but would be fun to do html but clueless , ha. html popups would be so helpful on so many other tasks we have, also.
Okay, I am going to assume you have a pushbutton that actually places the orders (calls the MEL_ADD_ORDER function) after all the other information has been entered. If the CPT association (billing for 1 to 4 patients, cpt-98765 OR billing for 5 to 8 patients, cpt-12345) applies to all of the things they are clicking on in your list box, then you could have a radio button group to identify the CPT code assignment that would be applied to the selected items in your listbox. You could use the enable/disable feature on your pushbutton to only enable the button when at least one item was picked in the listbox AND a radio button was picked indicating the appropriate CPT code.
Finally, when the user clicks the "Order" button (i.e. whatever calls the MEL_ADD_ORDER function), you display a popup (using useryesno()) showing the things they are about to order with the appropriate CPT codes along with a message confirming this is what they meant to order. The popup would give the user the option of selecting "no" if the list of orders about to be placed wasn't representative of their desires; if "no" is selected, you would drop out of the function, otherwise you would go on and execute the MEL_ADD_ORDER portion of the function.
Hope all of that makes sense.
Shameless plug: I'll be presenting at CHUG in Nashville this fall demonstrating how you can use dynamic popup windows to collect additional information using HTML. If you happen to be there, look me up. I'd be happy to show you.