Hi all! I am a data analyst for an MSO that is now working with a group on Centricity. I have been using Crystal Reports to try and create some export friendly reports that we can use to gather charge and payment data.
Unfortunately it seems that our database does not match up with the lovely table/view document I found somewhere in the help module. So I am searching for appropriate fields on my own. I have a decent charge detail report built out, but have one snag there. Is anyone aware of a way to map the diagnosis code ID to the actual code and/or description? I'm struggling with the fields that have multiple items on a report. So for example - I can pull four modifiers into the chart detail line. The fields are labeled Modifier 1MId, Modifier2 MId, etc. But the table that has the modifier detail (i.e. number and description) has one choice to match up to - Modifier MId. Nowhere can I find a table that has the variable versions for me to link up to. (and maybe there is a simple Crystal way around it, but if there is I just don't know about it!). My workaround was to create an "if else" formula where I manually mapped the ID's. (as in "if the ID is 100, display 25, else if the ID is 200, display 51, etc.). Since there are a limited number of modifiers, this worked. But....not so much for the diagnoses. Love to hear if there is a table somewhere for DX's that I could use!
The bigger challenge I'm facing right now is payment detail. So I found a table called PaymentMethod, and another called VisitTransactions. The problem is that I'm getting "duplicate" payments across lines in both versions.
PaymentMethod seems to give me the total amount paid. So if a patient pays on their balance, and they have three claims they need to pay off ($30 each), the total payment of $90 appears on each claim (inflating my actual payment collected x 3). VisitTransactions improves it slightly by giving me the total amount paid on the claim. So in the scenario above, each claim shows a payment of $30 (which is good); but if the claim had two charge lines with a balance of $15 each, the report is giving me $30 on each line (again inflating, at least this time only by x 2, but still problematic).
I need to be able to report on each payment made down to the individual CPT level. The same will be true of adjustments (I haven't even started looking at that one yet).
If anyone has a report built that they're willing to share, or any info about fields/tables that might solve my problems, I would be eternally grateful for the help!
Tina Englert
Data Analyst
US Digestive Health
I don't do much on the billing side, but here's what I would start:
There is a database dictionary somewhere at https://athenaflex.athenahealth.com. Full URLs never seem to work. I always have to browse around to find it.
There is a product called Centricity Analytics which, as I recall, pulls an image of the database each day for all kinds of reporting. I've only ever been involved when it was broken, so I can't tell you much other than it was used a lot for various financial reports. No idea on cost, but it might be worth exploring if they've already done all the work for you.
Anything ending in MID almost always refers to the MedLists table, ModifierMID is one of those.
Diagnoses it depends on where you are pulling them from. But the relationship will go like this
PatientVisit-> PatientVisitDiags->Diagnosis->Master Diagnosis. MasterDiagnosis has the code and description.
For Payments at CPT level you have to go Payment Method -> VisitTransactions -> transactions ->Transaction Distributions. That will duplicate paymentMethod, but you want to use the amount in transactionDistributions for CPT Level payments.
You probably do want that Data Dictionary tippenring mentioned, it will make your life easier.
Thanks to both of you - great info. I will check it all out! 🙂
-- Tina