I have visibility region for new and established patient.
I have two visibility regions "new" and "est"
One of the fields is headache (Y,N radio button) which i assigned an New Observation OBSNOW("HACLASSIFICT").
The established form on visibility region "est" has a button "RECORD PRIOR RESULTS" that sets values to <Previous Observation>.
The problem is my Chart Note is showing both headache fields (new and established) from two visibility regions...
Any ideas how to debug and fix it?
If I am reading this correct both fields translations are going into the note or both visibility fields are showing on the form.. If it is translating to the note you have two options. You can either check the box on the visibility field to suppress note translation if not shown or you can only translate the value on one field and use it for both visibility fields. If you have two visibility fields showing up then both values of each field are calculating to true and will need to be changed.
It was translation showing up twice from visibility form1 and form2 and checking the "suppress note translation" fixed my problem.
Thank you drobinson.