Hello - I am wondering if anyone knows if it's possible to automatically resize the html popup window when calling the show_html_form() function? Either as an argument of the function, or using javascript? Thanks a bunch!
To my knowledge, there isn't a way to resize that frame. The reason is because Centricity is opening a parent frame first, and then loading your HTML file into that parent frame as a child. You could try to connect back to the parent frame using window.opener and set HEIGHT and WIDTH, but I believe it is locked down. If it isn't locked down, you could potentially set the parent's height and width within the document.ready() function.
Great ideas, but alas no luck! It does indeed appear to be locked down. Window.opener returns as an undefined/null reference. I can call window.parent.resizeTo(), window.top.resizeTo(), and and window.self.resizeTo() without errors, but it doesn't change the size of the parent frame. Thanks anyways for your help!
mdObjects uses this function for pop out windows, there maybe more features then what is currently listed. Hope this helps.
var tmpWindow;
$scope.externalWindow = function() {
var features = [
tmpWindow = window.open(window.location,"_blank",features);
Link to mdObject Github