How do you change the message that notifies a recipient that he/she has received a secure message? We get at least five people a day who reply to this notification rather than replying via Secure Messaging. Apparently
"Do not reply to this notification message; this message was auto-generated by the sender's security system. To reply to the sender please click on the Secure Message link"
is not clear enough for some people.
I know if you go to Edit User under the Messaging tab in the EMR there is a box you can check or uncheck for users to be notified of secure messaging. This would mean going into each individual user to uncheck the box.
I see in the Profiles section under Edit Profile. If you pick the Default, if Default is the profile of your patients, there is a Receive Notifications box you can check or uncheck. This maybe how you can mass edit the function without going to each individual user. I would call GE to verify. Their SMPP specialist are pretty knowledgeable. I have screen shots. I hope this help.