I am creating an eForm to collect patient health history. If I set the routing type to "EMR Document" then I can specify obs terms for the answers, but there is no way for me (as clinic staff) to review the answers before sending them to the flowsheet. If I select "Review and Accept" instead, it works as I was hoping, but there is no longer an option to specify obs terms. Is it not possible to "Review and Accept" AND have the answers go to obs terms?
Steve Peterson
I.T. Manager
Circle of Life Women's Center
Steve, you could try populating the form with obs terms that are used for "Data Entered by Patient" (a lot have DEP in the name). Then have your form pull those in and give the provider the option to take each DEP obs term and put the value into the clinical observation term. We do that quite a bit with Visual Signature Capture documents. The patient fills out information and the VFE form pulls in the DEP data, shows previous clinical data if it exists, and gives the provider the option to put the DEP data in the clinical obs term or update the existing clinical data.
Thanks. That is actually very helpful. I'm thinking I'll pattern my VFE form after the ROS form that comes in the Primary Care package. It has previous values on the right, in grey, then a button that pulls those previous values over to the text box on the left.