Anybody have way to extract data from CQR excel download? Looking for a way of summarizing the data by doctor instead of by measure.
I bulit a spreadsheet to summarize the data on one tab.
It's call the meaningful use dashboard.xlsx.
But you have to copy, rename, and separate those measures where there is more than one stratification into separate tabs.
If that's something you're interested in, send me an email.
[email protected]
I also have built versions to do this. Pretty complex calculations (in cells), and I have to continually revise the logic as GE changes tab names and number of items in a measure (sometimes they break a measure into two or three segments - resulting in 2 or 3 line items for a doctor).
~Joe Gillis
Sorry to be a "Me Too" but if anyone has anything I would love to see if you are willing to share. I have a spreadsheet I've built but it is so cumbersome importing data, rearranging it etc.
Dan Karn
I would love a copy as well. Would you please send to [email protected]
Thank you