So, I have 4 items: a radio, two listboxes, and one multi-line edit field.
Radio = Eyes, Cardiovascular, Lymphatic, etc…
Listbox 1 = Patient complains of:
abnormal bruising, bleeding, enlarged lymph nodes, history of blood transfusions
Listbox 2 = Patient denies:
abnormal bruising, bleeding, enlarged lymph nodes, history of blood transfusions
Multi-line edit field = free text.
I'm using the following 2 functions to translate the text into one line:
{fn ListBoxResult(cstr,dstr,ostr) {
local fullStr = ""
if (size(cstr) > 0) then
fullStr = "Complains of " + cstr + ". "
if (size(dstr) > 0) then
fullStr = fullstr + "Denies " + dstr + ". "
if (size(ostr) > 0) then
fullStr = fullstr + ostr
return fullStr
{fn ListBoxTranslation(label,cstr,dstr,ostr) {
local fullStr = ListBoxResult(cstr,dstr,ostr)
return cfmt(fullStr, "", label + ": ", "B", "
I'm calling the function like this:
If I wanted listbox1 and the multi-line edit field to be bold (thereby bolding only the abnormals), how would I code this?
Any help, as always, is greatly appreciated!
Try using FMT() like this
fullStr = "Complains of " + FMT(cstr,"B") + ". "
Also, within your fn ListBoxTranslation(...)
If you are having any trouble with the carriage return within the cfmt(...)
I would use HRET :
return cfmt(fullStr, "", label + ": ", "B", HRET)
instead of :
return cfmt(fullStr, "", label + ": ", "B", "
That worked perfectly! Thanks!!