Hi, does anyone know if the CCC Patient Instructions-Pediatric and Patient Instructions-Prenatal count as an 'event' for MQIC tracking measure 13?
The *Patient Instructions designated as counting for clinical visit summary is not always appropriate for peds and prenatal.
Any help to help us get our OB and Peds docs up to speed for MU would help. Thanks!
The Patient Instuctions alone are not enough to count for MU13- there are specific things that need to be included, including vital signs, and sometimes labs.
Additionally, you will need a way to track that it has been done, for reporting.
EMHS does this by having a custom handout that includes all the items required by CMS. Unfortunately, it has to be fired from an open visit, using a quicktext. The quicktext also writes data to an OBS term that the patient was given the Clinical Visit summary.
czelnick said:
The Patient Instuctions alone are not enough to count for MU13- there are specific things that need to be included, including vital signs, and sometimes labs.
Additionally, you will need a way to track that it has been done, for reporting.
EMHS does this by having a custom handout that includes all the items required by CMS. Unfortunately, it has to be fired from an open visit, using a quicktext. The quicktext also writes data to an OBS term that the patient was given the Clinical Visit summary.
Yes, we can edit the document provided by CCC to include all the CMS requirements. This handout does not work for all specialties in our practices so we need to adapt them for pediatrics and prenatal. We do print these from an open visit for encounters that use CCC forms. We use the alternate Handout that is captured by MQIC for the non-CCC encounters. Thanks for the reply.
Any handout can be used as long as the name begins with
"*Patient Instructions- what ever you want to call it"
the crystal reports are looking for this handout name contains *Patient Instructions
and the provider name is in the user field and the record to chart is checked.
We have confirmed this with GE and the standard reports they have supplied.
Thanks so much! That is the information I was looking for.