Does anyone have a crystal report that will create a list of all Service providers from EMR? We would like to setup our external providers with electronic addresses for TOC.
Thanks for the help.
This report should work for you. I run this outside of the EMR and download to Excel so the columns are formatted tightly together and may cut off if printed but will expand out on download. You can modify this or let me know if you need help with printing it. If this doesn't upload to post correctly, you can contact me at [email protected] and I'll email it to you. Thanks. Jen
I'm interested in your report. Would you mind if I contacted you at the email provided?
I am also interested in the crystal report. Coule you send it to me please
Jen you're the best! This looks great. Thank you so much.
Mike, you're welcome!
Terri, Sure, feel free to contact me at that email.
Terry, the attached report is for EMR and looks like you might be on CPS. Not sure if the table format is exactly the same without looking at it but I would be glad to send to you regardless if you can't pull it down from the post.
Thanks. Jen
Can someone share this report still?
I sent it via email. Let me know if you have any trouble with it. Thanks. Jen