Does anyone have a crystal report that will identify which users have a particular custom list set as their preference? I am trying to remove a Order's custom list but I cannot because it is stating there are 2 users who have it set as their default.
Thanks in advance!
I have a similar problem with a Medication Custom List. I can find the List Name in the "Description" Column of the QPICKS table with the QPICKTYPE = "M", but can't find where to link the QPID to get any users with the selected Custom list. I am certainly missing something.
i just worked on this. The GROUPID in PREF is equal to the PVID in USRINFO. PREFVALUE in PREF is equal to QPID in QPICKS. And obsolete users with this preference will keep you from removing this.
Run this (this is Oracle EMR 9.5), replacing xxxxx with the value of the Medication Custom List (QPID) from QPICKS for the list in question.
select u.firstname, u.lastname,u.status, p.prefname, p.prefvalue, l.ABBREVNAME
from ml.pref p, ml.usrinfo u, ml.locreg l where p.groupid = u.pvid and u.homelocation = l.locid and p.prefname ='MedCustomList' and p.prefvalue = xxxxx order by u.status,p.prefvalue, l.abbrevname, u.lastname
This should show you all your users with this custom list. If STATUS = O, you will have to reinstate the user, change their preference, then obsolete them again.
Hope this helps.