Good morning!
Is there some trick to accessing a custom handout from a VFE form, so that I can put a button on my form to print a handout that I have scanned in and is saved on my network? I am using the PRINTHANDOUT{} function, and I put in the full path to where my handout is located, in other word "server name\folder name\subfolder name\handout name", and it keeps telling me unable to find handout. This should be fairly simple, not sure why I'm having so much trouble with it. Can someone elighten me? Thanks so much!!
Pat Apanasewicz
GI Associates
I have had trouble with this before too, the best way to do it is not to hand type the path. Create action button, set it to run process. Click the button that says function below the code window. Find PRINTHANDOUT(path and name) in the second dropdown. A new window comes up, search for your handout, and click okay. For whatever reason that method works all the time and the other doesnt, even when the code is identical.
Thanks! I will try that. I appreciate your quick response!
Select for an ACTION BUTTON.
Connection type = RUN PROCESS
and then the programming could be something like:
{PRINTHANDOUT("Handouts\NEMC\GM Internal medicine\GM Patient Education\Eating Right")}
{OBSNOW("COUNHLTHBHVR","Printed handout: Eating Right")}
**Note, this prints a Handout stored at the stated location and also sets an OBS Term so that it will be easy to later track who received the 'Counsel Healthy Behavior' handout.
Ok, so even when I use the "Search for" button, it only searches the handouts that are in the Handouts folder within CPS. In that case, my only options are handouts within CPS that come with the system, or any ones I want to type in/create within CPS. I have a handout that is a .pdf file that I would like to include. This handout is stored on a server that I would like to be able to access, either by searching for it or by typing in the path. When I type in the path, it does not find the handout, and I cannot search for it through VFE. Very frustrating! Is there some specific rule for typing in the path, or some trick I'm unaware of? Thanks so much!
Ah, I see. That function isnt designed to print from outside the system. There really isnt anything that can do that, but if you use RUNSHELLOPEN() and put the path there it will open the PDF, then it would be one additional click to print it. This doesnt record anything in the EMR though, unless you add an observation like Joseph did in his example above.
I will try that! Yes, I'll have to do some additional steps to get it to record in the note, which is fine. Thanks so much for your help!
Here is the command I do for an MCHAT form that gives you the option to open a PDF with follow-up questions and it opens to the relevant page for the MCHAT question.
{ RUNSHELLOPEN("AcroRd32.exe","/A page=4\ \\\servername\sharename\Illustrations\MCHAT\M-CHATInterview.pdf") }
Obsviously have to have Acrobat Reader installed on the workstation.
Thank you David, this is exactly what I need. I appreciate your help!
joeg1962 said:
Select for an ACTION BUTTON.
Connection type = RUN PROCESS
and then the programming could be something like:
{PRINTHANDOUT("Handouts\NEMC\GM Internal medicine\GM Patient Education\Eating Right")}
{OBSNOW("COUNHLTHBHVR","Printed handout: Eating Right")}
**Note, this prints a Handout stored at the stated location and also sets an OBS Term so that it will be easy to later track who received the 'Counsel Healthy Behavior' handout.
Thanks for this information! I will use your coding for recording the printing of the handout. This was very helpful and much appreciated!