Need a neurological exam form that pulls in prior values. The one in the system has 3 tabs were the Prior button does not work and GE advises they are not going to fix!
I have a doc that is going to go over the deep edge real soon.
Anyone have something that will work????
Can you email me the .dlg so I can "tweak" as necessary??
[email protected]
Sue, could you not download the dlg file I embedded in the post labeled NEURO-Neurologic Exam v3?
couldn't - sorry.
You mention that the Prior button on the form in the system doesn't work and that GE said they aren't going to fix? Which form are you referring to, a CCC form?
Thanks for sharing with us. I was able to download it just fine.
Would David or Sue be able to email me the .dlg file for the neurological exam mentioned in this post? Thank you!