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Hi everyone. I am trying to create a dropdown list that includes only the problems that were assessed during the current update. Is anyone aware of a way to do this?
Posted : February 3, 2014 3:38 am
Found this in my stash of interesting things I saved from CHUG - if you use the CCC CPOE form
"Does anyone know how to pull the Assessments / Problems that are selected in the CPOE A&P-CCC Assessment #1 – #12 drop downs? I have seen {ccc_view_assess("Last Visit","","7")} but that is not what I am looking for, I am looking to only pull the Values that are selected in the Drop Downs, Thanks… DOCUMENT.TEMP_CCC_CPOE_PL_1 DOCUMENT.TEMP_CCC_CPOE_PL_2 DOCUMENT.TEMP_CCC_CPOE_PL_3 …. DOCUMENT.TEMP_CCC_CPOE_PL_12"
Otherwise you are going to have to write a function leveraging LISTASSESSNEW. This might do it - found it in a letter we have:
{! fn fnReplStr_LC(strBuf, strTarget, strReplacement) { local nMatch = match(strBuf, strTarget) while (nMatch > 0) do strBuf = remove(strBuf, nMatch, size(strTarget)) strBuf = insert(strBuf, nMatch, strReplacement) nMatch = match(strBuf, nMatch + size(strReplacement), strTarget) endwhile return (strBuf) } } {if LISTASSESSNEW() <> "" then fnReplStr_LC(LISTASSESSNEW(), "Assessed ", "") else "<None>" endif}
Posted : February 3, 2014 6:25 am
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Thanks alot I will try this
Posted : February 3, 2014 8:29 am