We have a few forms that use the same drop-down list, and we want to pull the list of items in dynamically from a text component, so that we have to update only one place. Is this possible? If so, how is it done? I have tried several alternatives, but can't make it work.
Thank you in advance.
assign your list to a global variable in the text component, and then connect your drop-down to a dynamic list, using the global variable.
jjordet, can you explain how to do what you said. This is of interest to me as well.
Text Component:
gblList = "item1, item2"
drop-down field:
check dynamic choice list
MEL expression:
Thank you!
I must be doing something wrong. I can't get this to work.
did you add the text component into the update where you're testing the form?
Yes, but it still didn't work.
gblList = "item1, item2"
OK, that works with one issue, the list of names in the text component is translating into the note. Is there a way to prevent this?
Yes, if you put some type of "fake" function at the end of your text component that will keep the list from translating into the note.
For example:
/*Items in dropdown list */
glist = "item1, item2, items3"
glist2 = "fever, headache, chills"
fn PPCP_fake(){}
An empty set of quotes at the end also does the trick.
that's right. I forgot the 2 double quotes "" at the end.
The double quotes worked perfectly! Thanks!
Sorry for the delay in thanking you. This was a huge help.